The Oxford Farming Conference

Wednesday 5th January, 2022

Scholar Session - Leadership Training

This session is open to Scholars only.

Fringe 1

Please select from one of the following fringes, which are delivered and managed by the hosting organisation, noted below.

Option 1: Map of Ag - What works in data? Value-based case studies from gate to plate.

Option 2: Barclays and DEFRA - New Entrants

Option 3: CHAP - Meet the UK Agri-Tech Centres

Space is limited per fringe and booking is required so please select at the time of booking your OFC ticket.

Fringe 2

Please select from one of the following fringes, which are delivered and managed by the hosting organisation, noted below.

Option 1: Food, Farming and Countryside Commission - Can I have some more: what's on the menu for 2030? 

Option 2: tbc

Option 3: tbc

Space is limited per fringe and booking is required so please select at the time of booking your OFC ticket.

Fringe 3

Please select from one of the following fringes, which are delivered and managed by the hosting organisation, noted below.

Option 1: CAAV - Future Farming Landscapes

Option 2: Fera - How to Future proof your land in response to changing social, economic, and environmental pressures.

Option 3: tbc

Space is limited per fringe and booking is required so please select at the time of booking your OFC ticket.

The Innovative Farmers' Great Beer Debate

Organised by the Innovative Farmers, the Great Beer Debate hosted at St Edmund Hall, is open to all and timed to fit alongside both Oxford Farming & Oxford Real Farming Conferences. Spaces are limited and booking is required.

Co-Chair's Welcome Drinks Reception

You are invited to join OFC Co-Chairs, Barbara Bray and Sarah Mukherjee for a special drinks reception to kick off the 2022 Oxford Farming Conference.

Hosted in the South School, Examination Schools.

OFC Social Dinner

Venue tbc

Spaces are limited and tickets to the dinner are at an additional cost to the conference. If you would like to join us, please select this dinner option at the time of booking. If you are a Scholar or Inspire Programme delegate, dinners are already pre-selected when you register as they are included in your package.

OFC Banquet

Hosted in the North School at the Examination Schools.

Spaces are limited and tickets to the dinner are at an additional cost to the conference. If you would like to join us, please select this dinner option at the time of booking. If you are a Scholar or Inspire Programme delegate, dinners are already pre-selected when you register as they are included in your package.

Thursday 6th January, 2022

Digital Stream Opens

Former Director (tbc) will open the live stream for digital attendees.

Opening Address and Welcome

OFC Co-Chairs Sarah Mukherjee and Barbara Bray open the 2022 Oxford Farming Conference

This session is included in the digital package.

Trade & Global Session

UK agriculture is facing a year of momentous change in terms of its place in the trading world. What are the challenges and are we up to the task? How can we plot a path to success? 


  • Kimberley Botwright  - Lead, International Trade and Investments.Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum.
  • Tom Tugendhat, MP - Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee
  • Janusz Wojciechowski - European Commissioner for Agriculture
  • Speaker 4 tbc


OFC Co-Chair, Sarah Mukherjee

This session is included in the digital package.

National Session

Formally known as the Politics Session, we hear from UK Agricultural Ministers as they set out their plans for 2022 and beyond.


OFC Director, Christopher Price

This session is included in the digital package.

Frank Parkinson Lecture

The Frank Parkinson Lecture is renowned for challenging thinking and looking forward to opportunities in the future. Professor Sarah Bridle will discuss her current research which focuses on synthesising, exploring and effectively communicating environmental and nutrition impacts of different dietary options, with the aim of driving changes in food production methods and portfolios to be healthy for people and the planet. 

She will also touch on some of the findings in her book, Food and Climate Change - Without the Hot Air (published in 2020)


  • Professor Sarah Bridle


OFC Co-Chair, Barbara Bray

Lessons from science - routes to resilience

The 2022 Science Lecture will explore what agriculture can learn from science in order to be resilient.


  • Dr Catherine Nakalembe - NASA Harvest; Assistance Research Professor, University of Maryland


OFC Director, Jenna Ross

This session is included in the digital package.

The Squeezed Middle

This session will look at "Balancing power in supply chains to retain value and protect the farmed environment".


  • Jack Ward, BGA
  • Michelle Meagher, Balanced Economy Project
  • Cliona Howie - Foundation Earth
  • Speaker 4 tbc


OFC Director, Marion Regan

Inspiring Farmers

Always one of our most popular sessions, we hear from four inspiring farmers from all four corners of the British Isles, about how they’ve forged their own routes to resilience


  • Simon Best - Acton House Farm, Poyntzpass, Northern Ireland
  • Joyce Campbell - Armadale Farm, Sutherland, Scotland
  • Zanna Joice - Uphouse Farm, Norfolk, England
  • Rhys Williams - Gwynedd, Wales


OFC Directors, Will Evans and Ben Taylor-Davies

Leadership Pathway Event

This session is only open to the OFC Scholars and Inspire Programme

OFC Union Debate

Motion: This house believes food production in the UK should not be subsidised.

Proposers and Opposers will be announced very soon, watch this space!


2021 OFC Conference Chair, Sally Williams

Post-Debate Supper

Hosted in the magnificent Christchurch Dining Hall, where the walls are adorned with portraits celebrating famous members of the college from Queen Elizabeth to W.H. Auden. The building has been in use since the sixteenth century, and was the inspiration for the Great Hall in Harry Potter, with the makers building an exact replica at their London studios.

Spaces are limited and tickets to the supper are at an additional cost to the conference. If you would like to join us, please select this dinner option at the time of booking. If you are a Scholar or Inspire Programme delegate, dinners are already pre-selected when you register as they are included in your package.

Friday 7th January, 2022

Prince's Countryside Fund Breakfast

Hosted at the Examination School by the Prince's Countryside Fund, spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.


Opening Session

OFC Co-Chairs Barbara Bray and Sarah Mukherjee welcome delegates back for the last day of the conference.

The stage will be joined by Paul Fox for a special chair yoga session.

The Farm of the Future

Family ownership is not the only model of farming. In this session, we hear from three global experts - from the US, China and EU - on the relevance of the concept of ‘family’ in agriculture around the world. Following our global speakers, we will be joined by a panel of UK farmers to discuss future farming business structure and function.


  • Sarah K Mock - UK - Agricultural and Rural Issues Writer and Researcher
  • Alan Matthews - EU - Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy, University of Dublin Trinity College
  • Stephan Petermann - China - Founder MANN and Professor of Fine Arts’ Visual Arts Innovation Center, Central Academy in Beijing


  • John Pawsey - Farmer - Shimpling Park Farms Limited
  • Sarah Bell - Farmer and Advisor - Scott & Scott (Ayston) Ltd & S E Bell Agrifood Ltd
  • Speaker three tbc


OFC Director, Liz Bowles

The National Food Strategy

Henry Dimbleby launched part one of the National Food Strategy at the Oxford Farming Conference in 2020. He returns this January (2022) but what will he be annoucing. Watch this space as we reveal more closer to the conference.


Henry Dimbleby


OFC Co-Chair, Sarah Mukherjee

The 2022 OFC Report

It's back! Following extensive research, the 2022 OFC Report is launched, "Natural Capital - the battle for control"


OFC Director, Emily Norton

Conference Close

OFC Co-Directors Barbara Bray and Sarah Mukherjee close the 2022 conference and formally hand over to the 2023 Chairman.

Lunch & Chat

Before you head home, we invite you to join us for a finger buffet and catch-up with friends old and new.

Scholar Session

All Scholars should attend this session which will conclude by 14:00. It is not open to any other delegate.


Farming’s Future Workforce will look at the challenges the sector is facing, and share some positive solutions and opportunities. Join us to hear from three inspiring speakers who will touch on agribusiness management, technology, robots, communications and collaboration. Hosted in partnership with Institute of Agricultural Management. 

12pm to 1pm

Click here to join us
