The Oxford Farming Conference

OFC 2017 Opening film

OFC 2017 Opening film

Kindly sponsored by BASF

Highlights of OFC 2017

Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP

Q&A with Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP

Session sponsored by Massey Ferguson

Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP

2017 Speech to the Oxford Farming Conference

Session sponsored by Massey Ferguson

Feeding & Watering the City

Guy Watson, Riverford

From field to restaurant, the view from the farmer

Session sponsored by M&S

Guy Watson, Riverford

Session sponsored by M&S

Sarah Mackie

Local sourcing expert.

Session sponsored by M&S

Simon Stenning, MCA Insight

Stats and facts about the UK food service sector and opportunities for farmers.

Session sponsored by M&S

Feeding & Watering the City introduction film

Session sponsored by M&S

Film sponsored by BASF

OFC/RASE Science & Innovation Award

OFC/RASE Science & Innovation Award

Won by Benchmark's Five Point Sheep Lameness Plan.

The award is kindly sponsored by Adama.

OFC/DLG Travel Scholarship - Oscar Smith

After CAP, What?

After CAP, What?

Minette Batters, Dame Helen Ghosh, Guy Poskitt and George Monbiot debate what comes after CAP. Chaired by Charlotte Smith.

After CAP, What? introduction film

Session sponsored by Massey Ferguson.

Film sponsored by BASF.

Frank Parkinson Lecture - Konrad Brits, Falcon Coffee

Konrad Brits - Frank Parkinson Lecture

Konrad Brits is CEO of Falcon Coffees,

The World is your Market

Tom Hind, Chief Strategy Officer, AHDB

The World is your market session, sponsored by Openfield

The world is your market introduction film

Session Sponsored by Openfield

Film sponsored by BASF

Ali Capper, farmer & Chairman of the NFU’s National Horticulture Board

How does a farm business exploit a world market.

Session sponsored by Openfield.

Jack Hamilton, Mash Direct

Potatoes in the Desert

Sponsored by Openfield.

Soil Saviours

John Geraghty

The soil renaissance

Session sponsored by BBSRC

Wil Armitage, organic and conventional dairy farmer

Livestock's vital role

Session sponsored by BBSRC

Soil Saviours introduction film

Session sponsored by BBSRC.

Videos sponsored by BASF.

'Soil Saviours' Panel session

Prof Jane Rickson, John Geraghty, Wil Armitage

Prof Jane Rickson, Cranfield University

Saving our soil, what science has to offer

Session sponsored by BBSRC

HRH Princess Royal, Patron of The Oxford Farming Conference

HRH Princess Royal's response to the 2017 Oxford Farming Conference 'Soil Saviours' session.

Session sponsored by BBSRC.

Thrive or Survive interactive session

Thrive or Survive interactive session

Chaired by Martin Davies, OFC 2017 Chairman


Farming’s Future Workforce will look at the challenges the sector is facing, and share some positive solutions and opportunities. Join us to hear from three inspiring speakers who will touch on agribusiness management, technology, robots, communications and collaboration. Hosted in partnership with Institute of Agricultural Management. 

12pm to 1pm

Click here to join us
