OFC Sponsorship Programme 2018 explained


The Oxford Farming Conference is recognised both nationally and internationally as a leading think tank for global agriculture.

Our well-established scholarship programme gives the next generation of agriculturalists an opportunity to be informed, challenged and inspired and to make connections that will help them to be more effective in their own careers. As a result, many past scholars have gone on to take leading roles and made valuable contributions to the industry.

For the 2018 conference, themed Embracing Change, scholars will receive a stimulating, educational experience, with additional training, including media training, prior to the conference to make sure that they get the most out of the conference and deliver more value back to both their sponsor and the wider industry.

As a sponsor, you may have a scholar already in mind or we have a database of excellent candidates awaiting your support.

Sponsor a scholar

Each year between 40 and 50 motivated, progressive young people in agriculture from across the country are sponsored to attend the Oxford Farming Conference. These individuals are sponsored by a business or organisation which sees the value of supporting the future of UK agriculture.

Sponsors are sought annually, and can put forward their own scholar, or we can put you in touch with a potential candidate (see below).

As a sponsor, you are exposing the next generation to one of the most progressive and informative events in the UK farming calendar. In return, scholars are asked to report back to you, the media and Oxford Farming Conference about their experience and what they have learnt. This provides sponsors with a valuable resource as well as potential publicity opportunities.

Pre-event and Publicity

As well as attending the conference, the 2018 Scholars will receive, ahead of the conference, a one-day training course and media coaching in November. This will better equip them to make a more active contribution to the conference and ensure they deliver good value back to you as their sponsor. There will be a photoshoot with all those scholars present to be issued with a press release announcing the scholars and sponsors in December 2017.

They will also attend the Scholars’ Workshop and working lunch on Wednesday 3rd January, which we are running once again in collaboration with McDonalds.

A board will be displayed during the conference with a headshot and name of each scholar so they can be identified and to encourage other delegates to engage with the scholars. It will also highlight their sponsor.

All scholars are asked to provide a report about their experience which will be published via the OFC website and promoted on social media. Throughout the conference we will also be encouraging them to post regular tweets via their own channel or that of their sponsor using the hashtag #OFC18Scholar.


Some sponsors select their own scholar promoting the opportunity via their own networks and request applicants send their details direct to them. However, if you would like to sponsor a scholar but do not have an individual in mind, we have a database of bright and enthusiastic prospective scholars who are waiting for an opportunity.

The programme is aimed at those 22 to 30 years of age but exceptional candidates can be considered outside of this range. We welcome a mix of gender, sector, geographical and academic experience. International scholars are also encouraged.


You can choose whether to sponsor a scholar for the conference only or for the conference, accommodation and conference dinners.

For information on the cost please contact Michael Neil -  secretariat@ofc.org.uk.


Once you have selected the scholar, they should visit our booking page and under registration type select “OFC Scholar”. They will also need to tick the relevant dinners they wish to attend. Accommodation is recommended at Christ Church College (main college for scholars) and should be booked directly - https://www.ofc.org.uk/conference/2018/delegate_info


Become a scholar

If you would like to attend the Oxford Farming Conference as scholar and would like some assistance finding a sponsor, please contact Michael Neil at secretariat@ofc.org.uk. You can also speak to your local college, university, agricultural society, young farmers and employer to name just some industry partners who may sponsor your place.

The programme is aimed at those 22 to 30 years of age but exceptional candidates can be considered outside of this range. We welcome a mix of gender, sector, geographical and academic experience. International scholars are also encouraged.

We ask that you have not attended as a scholar before as we want to try and make the experience as wide reaching as possible, giving as many young people an invaluable experience.

If you are selected, you will be invited to attend a pre-conference day in November to meet your fellow scholars and gain some new skills that will support you during the event and in the future.

You will be required to provide a report after the event about your experience, as well as using social media throughout the three days incorporating #OFC18Scholar. Prior to the event we will ask you to provide a photograph which will be displayed at the event along with details of your sponsor. You may also be asked to provide a quote or short interview which will be used on the Oxford Farming Conference website and social media.

What past scholars have to say

Find out what three of our past scholars thought of the experience - https://www.ofc.org.uk/what-past-scholars-say


Farming’s Future Workforce will look at the challenges the sector is facing, and share some positive solutions and opportunities. Join us to hear from three inspiring speakers who will touch on agribusiness management, technology, robots, communications and collaboration. Hosted in partnership with Institute of Agricultural Management. 

12pm to 1pm

Click here to join us
