The 2018 OFC Emerging Leader Programme

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The OFC is encouraging farmers and agri-business people, aged 30-45, to apply to come to the 2018 OFC as an Emerging Leader. Pictured above is Patrick Hook, an Emerging Leader from 2017. Read Patrick's blog here.

The OFC Emerging Leader Programme seeks out the best young leaders in UK agriculture to win a sponsored place at the two-day Oxford Farming Conference in January 2018. The initiative has been very kindly sponsored by BASF

The purpose of the Emerging Leaders’ initiative, which was piloted in 2017, is to develop the skills and passion of potential leaders within the agri-food sector. Building on the OFC’s successful UK and international scholars’ programmes. 

Tom Allen-Stevens, who spearheads the Emerging Leader programme, comments:

“The theme of the 2018 Oxford Conference is Embracing Change, and we have selected people who are embracing change in their business and have real enthusiasm for the industry, to attend. Our Emerging Leaders are at the very heart of what we do at the Conference, and we are putting time and investment into getting them to it. It is those people who will be opening the next chapter for British agriculture.”

Attending the Oxford Farming Conference is excellent exposure to the latest thinking across agriculture and its associated industries, as well as networking opportunities with key and progressive people in the business. The Emerging Leaders Programme is aimed at those who may not get the chance to attend the conference otherwise, and the OFC works with organisations already actively developing leadership within agriculture and the rural communities to find candidates eligible to attend, these include BASF, Massey Ferguson, The Scottish Enterprise Rural Leadership Programme and the European Young Farmers Association (CEJA).

Julian Pace, Head of Rural at Scottish Enterprise, which is supporting five places on the Emerging Leaders Programme, said:

“These types of programmes are an essential tool in developing our future leaders. The Emerging Leaders Programme not only facilitates invaluable networking but, with its focus on informing, challenging and inspiring, it also provides an opportunity to gain new ideas and insights. We are delighted to be able to support the Programme.”

OFC Chairman Caroline Millar, a rural business consultant, SE Rural Leader, and diversified farmer from Angus in Scotland, added:

“We had excellent feedback from last year’s candidates who had really gained from all aspects of the conference, from the speakers and networking to the chance to discuss and challenge opinions with peers on topics that will shape the future. We look forward to building on last year’s programme with even more opportunity for discussion, debate and interaction with industry influencers, and through it giving a voice to the next generation of leaders in agriculture. We really are at a particularly interesting time in the industry, where we need confident direction and leadership more than ever.”  


Farming’s Future Workforce will look at the challenges the sector is facing, and share some positive solutions and opportunities. Join us to hear from three inspiring speakers who will touch on agribusiness management, technology, robots, communications and collaboration. Hosted in partnership with Institute of Agricultural Management. 

12pm to 1pm

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